Start receiving feedback, now!
Transform your webpage from a dull wall-of-text into an engaging experience.
1 minute setup
Free plan
No credit card needed
Easier done than said!
Choose a button, then copy & paste the code to see how easy it is
We can help you get the feedback you need!
For your e-commerce
What are your best products?
Know immediately which are the most wanted products in your catalog by letting your users leave a like, while respecting their privacy! Learn now how to add a like button to your website.

For bloggers
Does your blog feel static?
Without interactivity, your blog may risk feeling like a monotonous wall-of-text. A simple like button can make your blog feel alive! Read more.
For developers
User feedback at your fingertips

Leave your review!
The results
For community builders
Which of your services is the most appreciated?
If you are offering a service, or content in general, it is paramount to know, and to let other know, what the community thinks about it! Read how.
Can I sort my content using likes?
Lyket is not only in charge of counting votes. It also keeps updated rankings for all of your buttons! Vote your favourite old school console in this example to see ranking in action!
What makes us different?
More and more customers are trusting us ♥
Fastest implementation
By using our React component or our HTML widget , you just need to choose a style, provide an identifier for your button and you are done!
Privacy oriented
Most feedback services require visitors to sign up and that can discourage interaction + is bad for privacy concerns. Read more
Ranking API
In addition to our score keeping system, we provide updated and detailed rankings for all of your buttons. Read more
Nice, functional and tidy
When you have hundreds of buttons, it is hard keeping your data in order. That is why we prioritize categorization! Each button can have one broad category, and multiple tags. Read more
No bots allowed
Lyket is integrated with Google reCAPTCHA V3 to provide protection against malitious use, while never interrupting your users.
Simple pricing
We offer a simple pricing that scales with your project, including a free plan for test/hobby projects. No credit card needed!
Visit our pricing page